The course syllabus the listing of readings and assignments can be downloaded in PDF. Links below go to my lecture slides or to lab notes and supplements on this site. I do not have materials from Prof. McGill or the guest lecturers to share here. Most of the data for the labs can be accessed by installing my dataculture
package in R.
September 8, 2022. Introduction: What is data? What is culture?
- Supplements: counting words in the Sherlock Holmes stories corpus; counting languages among the Nobel Literature laureates.
September 12. Textual criticism and the problem of variants.
- Supplement: exploring the Whitman Archive XML.
September 15: Lab: comparing editions, establishing authority.
September 19. Introduction to text encoding. Guest lecture by Francesca Giannetti.
September 22. Introducing the Rutgers College War Service Bureau Project. Guest lecture by Francesca Giannetti.
- Supplement: XML needles in haystacks.
September 26. Lab: Close reading with the TEI.
- Supplement: fun things to do with XML. Guest post by Francesca Giannetti on XPath, who knows fun when she sees it.
September 29. “Plain” and/or edited text?
October 3. Cruising the library.
October 6. Documents and documentary editing. Guest lecture by Paul Israel.
October 10. Versions of cultural memory. Guest lecture by Andrew Parker.
October 13. Libraries and the organization of knowledge.
October 17. Lab: introduction to Omeka.
- Supplement: Omeka details.
October 20. Digital history, digital memory. Guest lecture by Kristin O’Brassill-Kulfan.
October 24. Antinomies of taste.
October 27. Lab: exploring taste data with R.
- Supplement: Names and mining strategies.
October 31. Counting, representing, seeing.
November 3. Lab: visualization.
November 10. Genre and literary classification.
November 14. Lab: exploring genre data.
- Supplement: Logistic regression modeling machinery.
November 17. Discussion/lab: scaling up, or not?
- Supplement: More on the Google Books data.
November 21. Networks and network analysis. Guest lecture by Sean Silver.
November 22. Lab: let’s make a hairball!
November 28. Historical social networks: slides and lab exercise.
- Supplement: Blocks.
December 1. Project workshop day.
December 5. Cultural transmission.
December 8. Project workshop day.
December 12. Retrospect and prospect.